Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Innovation...to the future!!

I have another blog that has not been touched since Christmas, so I hope you feel proud.

I am about the mentality of the author, but I do inherently disagree with the concept of separating school systems in the public school system. We need to have all students to have the same access to both of these types of systems; and therefore offered at the same location.

We do breed ourselves to be meat for the grinder, per say; and it does seem that there are a few that escape the mentality that the end result is a high paying occupation. Those, like they say, end up being the heads of innovative companies and even politicians and entertainers.

But in the end, having been the student who just wanted to find out where I fit, there would be a whole set of options not available to me. We need to expand and toughen the current system that we have. Being, offer more opportunities that are beyond the classroom and have more of an education that is based off of PROBLEM SOLVING, as that is the whole point of innovation. But as it is, it is a feeding tube of information with a "how best you recall" the information that will then best determine who will make the best at remembering and then following orders.

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