Tuesday, February 9, 2010

2 Million Minutes...Part 2

...so really 4 million minutes?

That is a lot of time. But then again, it has taken quite a bit of time from the United States to fall from grade as the academic champion of the world in the 50's to our fat man in a marathon standing position in the global academic race of today.

After watching the 2 million minutes video, it honestly got me fired up again about the educational system, and how screwed up it is. It is so easy to get caught up in all the crap that we have to take care of that we lose our sense of realization that a lot of it is unnecessary junk that ties up the focus of quality teaching. I wanted to wait off for a bit because I was just distraught after the film (which doesn't happen all too often in a ASU course). But with this lag in response time, I have definitely lost the steam that was built that evening.

Since last week, I brought up B.A.S.I.S. a few times to people and very few had heard about it. Maybe it is a suppression of how education can and should work, for if it's methodologies got out, it could cause an uprising and total upheaval of the U.S. education system. But I mention that the U.S. has been engrained for so long in this style of education, and when so many "old dogs" stick around in the education field, sometimes I feel like change will take just as long as this current system that we have has taken to settle into place.

Due to the lax of this blog and openness of the assignment, I can't help but outwardly state that the vast majority of teacher prep course are a joke. If feel as competent as any other 1st year teacher with the 6 weeks of training that I received at institute in terms of instructional implementation. Other than that, it should be content development. Just so much wasted time really, both in the classroom and in trainings. And I am a man who detests waste.

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